Nikon SLR Cameras

Difficulty formating a compact flash card?


I'm using a griffin multiport device (not sure if that's what they are called) that i know works as different usb sticks and CF cards run fine on it. A while ago another multiport device screwed up my CF and my nikon says the card can't be used. I select format within the cameras menu and nothing happens. I have no connected it to a laptop, however the laptop does not register anything. I have tried device management but nothing appears there either. Any useful tips would be greatly appreciated i'm going mad as my only alternative is a 512mb CF,


Sounds like the card is not compaible. Do you really want to trust your precious photos on something that is dodgy?


Difficulty formating a compact flash card


You must never format any memory card on a computer, only ever in the device it's going to be used in, camera in this case. The Fat16 or Fat 32 file system as used on computers won't work on a card.

When you put the card into the camera and turn the camera on what prompt do you get? If it's card full, just format the card in camera as usual (after saving the images of course) at least is shows the card is good, if there's an error message with an error number, Google it, there may be a workaround.

On most DSLR cameras there usually is a utility mode, on most cameras you enter it by holding down the Menu button when turning the camera on, not sure on a Nikon, there's usually a utility to re-write the header file onto the card, it will overwrite any images on the card, or at least they will be invisible to the camera, but they may show up in your card reader.

Rescue software can re-write this header too, at least I know that San Disc's Rescue Pro can by clicking the repair utility.

When you plug the card reader into your laptop and insert one of your CF cards then go into Computer, do any extra drives show up? If they do one of the new drives will be the one with the CF card in it, double clicking should open it. If new drives don't open then it's something in the card reader>cable>USB socket chain that's shot.