Nikon SLR Cameras

Canon rebel xsi tips?


Ok so I basically can't read manuals. I get too ADD and can't concentrate. I learn by doing, especially in photography, although lately I've actually started learning terms that I pretend to actually know what they mean when I don't know. I've had my rebel for a year or more, I believe, but only recently begun taking true photos again. I do want a minor career in photography but I'm learning. I'm not planning to upgrade anytime soon until I've mastered this camera.

Right now, I have the kit lens (which I know it isn't as good as normal lenses but will do) and am planning on getting an external flash soon. Lately, my pictures have been coming out very color-lacking as if it is losing the fine detail it is meant to capture! I noticed this when my friend used it (who uses a nikon) but later on, I used it on my friends and it still had a partial lack of proper focus.

Is the canon rebel xsi known for its bad focus? I've read that it is and that it is NOT just me! Also do you have any recommendations to improve my photography skills, including additional add ons to the camera that can help create better, more quality images?

Also - once I have "mastered" the canon rebel xsi and am ready to move on, what camera do you recommend would be a good step forward that is more advanced, yet not TOO professional and more that I can handle?

Anything else would be super!

Added (1). Thanks for your input but i actually don't have a photography class, plus its easier for me to relate to words coming from a real person with experience and not a booklet. Sorry, but that's how I find it easier to learn.


The XSi is a perfectly capable camera and focuses fine as long as you know how to use it. How can you read tips and instructions from us here, but not in the user manual? Sounds to me like you are just too lazy to read the manual.

If you don't want to read the manual, sign up for a photography class.

By the way, the kit lens is a normal lens, and happens to be a very sharp. If you can't get good sharp photos with that lens and camera, the problem is you.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Sadly, we can't help you all that much if you can't read. I would suggest books, such as "Understanding Exposure" which can greatly help you in many different situations.

the only other option for you would be to go take a class, in which case they would still have you read.

the kit lens is a decent lens for what it does, if any error occurs, it is almost always the user.

first would be to master the manipulation of ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture


Photography requires a person to focus and pay attention.
you Toob has instructional videos as well.
Photography videos at the library will teach you the basics and more. Digital cameras imitate film so ignore the video names.
The advanced 35mm film camera videos will teach you a lot. Composition, lens choices, basic settings, ISO, shutter speed and aperture that digital cameras imitate electronically.

Allen R
Allen R

Victoria, The Rebel XSI is extremely good for consumers fresh to Dslr cameras. An excellent tool. I have one and use a nifty fifty lens with great results. Your focusing problems could be just the kit lens.