Canon mount on nikon with a converter?

Ok so you can get samyang lenses for canon cheaper than the nikon mount there all manual focus so should I get the canon mount then an adapter?

You can't.
The distance between the focal plane and lens mounting flange is deeper on Nikon cameras, so if you could find an adapter for a Canon lens to Nikon body, the lens would not focus at infinity, in fact it would behave a lot like a short extension tube allowing your to focus closer. The other obstacle would be that the lens would become fully manual focus and there's a possibility that you could not use the Nikon cameras light meter with an foreign lens
It is always a better idea to save you pennies a little longer so you can buy lenses actually designed for the camera system you have

If you're looking at the lenses I think you are, the more expensive versions contain computer chips to allow the camera to meter when they're fitted - cheaper Nikon models don't meter with MF lenses.
Canon can use MF lenses in Av and M modes without a chip, so even if you bought an adapter (costing far more than the price differential) you still wouldn't be able to use your meter - when Canon made their new lenses incompatible with older cameras, they were at least honest about it.
If you'd bought a Pentax, on the other hand…