Make a Nikon camera match a canon cameras image colors?

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense. I'm new to all this so bare with me.
i have found that the color in canons images look nicer.
but could you mimic this by adjusting a Nikon cameras white balance?

When shooting races (NASCAR, NHRA and others) our photographers use both Nikon and Canon cameras. Even different models of those cameras will show slightly different white balances.
What we do is have everyone shoot a colorchecker in RAW. After each camera has its own custom white balance made for it, it is easy to make all the images have the same colour brand to brand, camera model to camera model.
Here is how that works
Wedding photographers use this tool a lot, where matching skin shades from camera to camera is even more important
I have a colleague who shoots weddings and their assistants use Pentax and even an old Fujifilm S pro dSLR. Setting a custom white balance for each camera is the only way to assure good colour management

Realize that Canon cameras come by default with a lot of sharpening and color saturation enabled, whereby Nikon leaves those settings neutral for a more natural photo.
But you can change those attributes in a Nikon camera with a setting called Picture Control.
Within each of these picture control options, you can set the camera's sharpening, saturation, hue, contrast, and brightness.
And within the camera's white balance, you can access a palette whereby you can customize the color balance of each setting as you see fit (except monochrome).
So in reality, Canon uses marketing trickery to make you think their colors are superior, but in reality they just just increase the default sharpness and saturation settings at the factory. Nikon on the other hand leaves them more natural, so you have to change them if you want something artificial.
But you can change either one as you see fit.

Yes absolutely but it's not just in the white balance.