Nikon SLR Cameras

Can you enlarge a picture in raw without loss of quality?


I have a 6mp nikon DSLR… The resolution from the camera is 3008x2000… I always shoot in raw and process in lightroom then export as jpeg… Can i resize it in raw to 3872 x 2592? Maybe apply some noise reduction after?

this would be for printing large images for sale on

HP Wombat
HP Wombat

There will be loss of quality, but the amount of quality lost shouldn't be unacceptable, with the dimensions you've given.


Yes, you can resize it.
No, you can't do it without "loss of quality." There's only 3008x2000 pixels' worth of information there -- you can't make up more out of thin air. You can make it larger, which will use interpolation to do a "best guess," but it *will* lose quality. It won't be "noiser," so noise reduction won't do anything -- in fact if anything it will be soft and need some sharpening, not more softening.

There's really little difference in the size you want to "enlarge" to. And you'll get better results by having the printer interpolate at print time than you trying to do it.