Suggest which Nikon model SLR will be the best?

Can you suggest which Nikon model SLR will be the best?

The most expensive one.

Sure. But you do understand that an SLR camera does 35mm film correct? There's some models around, I don't know about Nikon, that run around $150 or so.
Today though most cameras purchased are digital, not film, so they are called DSLR cameras, the D is for digital. They run about $500 and up.
I also agree AVDADDY, the best will be the most expensive… Around $4, 000 or so.

For safety sake it is best to ask for a DSLR rather than the old discontinued film models which were referred to as "SLR".

The best for what?
The most valuable thing in any profession or interest is 'knowledge' and 'experience'…
… These qualities combined help you get the best out of whatever you find yourself using, too many newcomers are asking the same question…
… There will always be a better camera than the one you're using, the best camera for photographing what's in front of you… Is the one you've got.
And for me that's a Pentax!

As others have said it is a Dslr you are looking for, Nikon offer a huge range and the best is invariably going to be the D4 but it will cost you thousands and so will the lenses, it is also an advanced pro camera and you need to decide if you are ready for that.
I had a D90 for a long time and loved it, it is a fantastic piece of kit and has reduced a lot in price too, it's not just about the camera either, you can buy a great body but if you pair it with an inferior lens you will not get the image quality that the camera itself is capable of producing.
I have a D7000 now and I love it, my husband is one up with the D7100 and that is an amazing camera but different people have different needs and expectations from their equipment and of course varying budgets.
Set your budget then take a memory card to a camera store and ask to test shot their models, do not purchase a camera on that day, instead take the card home and look at the images, a decent store will have no problem with this and will talk you through the settings.
Don't be afraid to go beyond Nikon either, i'm personally a huge Nikon fan but other cameras do have a lot to offer and whilst Nikon and Canon tend to rule the market Sony also make great cameras, i kept my first Sony for years as an extra to use along side my Nikon models because I really liked it in certain circumstances.
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