Nikon SLR Cameras

Camera for beginner photographer?


I have recently taken up a passion for taking photos. I had an old cannon digital camera, but it broke. I will be traveling to Europe this summer and I would really like to have a camera that I can take and get some good photos from. I'm also interested in sports photography. I have looked at Nikon cameras, but that are very expensive. I would like to not pay a lot of money for this camera. So any suggestions?


What is your price range?

Paul Beckwith
Paul Beckwith

Ok, forget compact camera's (the ones that fit in your pocket). They have small image sensors and so therefore almost always give photos that are slightly out of focus (or worse).In my experience you'll be unhappy buying them.

It's worth you paying a little bit more for a decent camera with a larger/better image sensor. I'm talking about a compact system camera or DSLR (both are the ones that come with the lenses you can twist & focus yourself (or leave on auto focus. The advanced image sensor is so much better at auto focusing that once you start seeing the difference in pictures compared to a compact, you'll wish you bought one years ago.

Have a peek on a website like Jessops, and have a look at the compact system cameras to start with. Your looking at about £275 minimum though.


For you, I recommend a compact camera (the one that fits in your pocket). They are convenient and are capable of giving good pictures. They are also relatively inexpensive (since this seems to be one of your requirements).

what will be important is how you use your camera. A dSLR can give pictures just as bad as a compact if the photographer does not know what they are doing.

Nikon is not more expensive than canon (one 'n', not two). Maybe you were looking at a more advanced model.

determine your price range, and check out the cameras in that price range. I'm sure you could find one that suits your needs.