Nikon SLR Cameras

Best Nikon lens for to shoot clothing?


I'm going to shoot all my closet clothing for a project. Ideally I need to place each item on the floor and shoot from above. My Nikon 60mm/2.8 micro didn't seem to cover the entire garment. So is there a suitable lens that can do the job? Your experience or professional advice is greatly appreciated!


Actually the 60 mm macro is an excellent lens for what you are doing. You just have to back up so you can include the whole of the clothing. Too bad you can't hang them on a suitable hanger so you do not have to climb a ladder to take the shots. I guess you could shoot a mosaic of the clothing and stitch them together using Photoshop, that would certainly produce a lot of clarity and detail of your clothing

Just make sure that you set your white balance to match the lighting that you are using, so that the colours of the textile match the photo you capture.

You could use a lens like the 24-85 mm lens, but that will cost you an additional $750 and if you use too wide an angle lens, you can possibly distort the dimensions of the garment


To get a better idea when answering this question, we should know the camera model and distance from camera to the floor, and also know the size of the area covered with your clothing. Not all Nikons use the same type lenses.

One alternative to another lens may be to get a high ladder so you can be further away from the floor, which will cover a larger area. Or hang the clothing from a hanger vertically in a room large enough for you to move far enough away to get all of the item in the picture. Maybe you don't need another lens after all. The lens you have can work for your project, so long as you move far enough from the clothing.

For these pictures, you can go to a camera store, take your camera with you, and the largest piece of your clothing. You should know the distance you would like to be from the clothing. Then ask if you can try out a lens, probably a wide angle zoom, and you can find out the focal length that is ok.

If this is a one time activity, maybe you can rent a lens, and save some money. Buy a zoom lens for more versatility if you have the budget and need.


If you need a wider angle than 60mm, just use one of your wider lenses. An 18-55mm kit lens should be fine.
If you are wanting a wider aperture to freeze camera shake, then maybe the thing to run out and buy is an SB700 to bounce flash off a wall. If there are too many dark or colored objects in the way, then maybe draping a white bedsheet over some of them will give you a suitable surface to bounce your flash from. Or turn the flash around (the SB700 should have enough adjustability to do this) to bounce from the ceiling.