Nikon SLR Cameras

Are there cameras similar to the Nikon 1 J1?


I'm looking for a DSLR- like camera that doesn't cost a lot, is about the size of the Nikon 1 J1, has atleast 10MP, and has good ratings. Is there a camera out there like that? If the Nikon 1 J1 is the best pick, please tell me, because I want the camera to last until (atleast) my freshman year in college. (I'm a freshman in high school.)


No. The Nikon 1 is a brand new formfactor

The J1 and V1 are the two options right now.


The Nikon 1 is the only camera in its specific "class" technically. It's a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera though and just about any other mirrorless is a better deal IMO. The J1 has a much smaller sensor than any other mirrorless and a selection of only four lenses.