Nikon SLR Cameras

All the pictures I take on Nikon 1 are blurry?


This is my first "expensive" camera and every picture I take is blurry. Is it me or the camera. I tried taking pictures of my dogs playing and every single one was incredibly blurry.


Learn to hold the camera properly (there are a dozen websites -or visit your local library) and keep your shutter speed UP.


Low light can make the shutter stay open longer.

If you are moving that will also cause blur.

Try using the flash more. That will put more light in fast.


Have you actually read & studied the Owner's Manual for your new camera? That would be a good place to start. For all you know you could have the auto focus turned off. You may have set a low ISO and a small aperture (f8, f11, f16) in a situation with insufficient light causing a slow shutter speed that resulted in motion blur.

Don't have any idea which Nikon 1 - J1 or V1 - you have but here is the best possible source for learning about either model:

Hint for future questions: Be as specific and detailed as possible. In other words, tell us the model of your camera and the conditions you were shooting in. Link us to a picture that shows the problem. I suggest Flick.

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

That is odd.very odd. After all Nikon 1 tries to make ti as easy as possible. Even so far that they kinda push off some people.

Mmm lets see where are you making those pictures. If it is inside and it is to dark well. He you would be surprised just how quick something is "to dark" for a camera. What you can do is go into the menu and fix the ISO to a high level like lets say 3200. I don't suggest this ISO level for outside and sunshine.[far from] but inside at least you can see if it has any effect on the shutterspeed.

See shutterspeed matters. To freeze movement you need a certain speed. Lets say that at 1/30th second movements will show up. Can be interresting but also not liked. At 1/60th [flash speeds] it can still show some movement. But at 1/250 the shutter is so fast that it freezes but the most speedy movement.

To get a quick shutter you need to use the right ISO.

Also as someone else said how do you hold the camera. It is stabile enough? Try putting your arms against your body and form a triangle with your arms. Then shoot that the body and lens with one hand and use the other to control the shutter.

If you stand/sit stabile you can get much better results.

Another possible thing is that you touched your lens. Oh yes you might need to clean the glass of the lens. Well you can buy special long fiber cloth at photo stores and well many stores really. Also there are some cleaning kits. I personally breath over the glass and use a long fiber cloth. So far I yet have to find a lens able to pick up anything living in my breath.

A fingerprint can easily make your day bad…

Also make sure you have the lens set on Auto Focus. If you have it set on Manual Focus it expects YOU to do the focussing. Easy mistake.

So use the right ISO, make sure the lens is clean, learn how to stand/sit stable [lean against a chair] and it should be allot better.


Please use a TRIPOD or MONOPOD.


You just learned a valuable lesson - expensive camera doesn't guarantee great photos every time. BUT
Expensive camera plus experienced and skilled user will give great photos most of the time.

Your shutter speed is too slow for shooting moving subjects.

Open the aperture to the widest possible and up the ISO to the highest possible.

Use a flash.


Yes you'll need to learn some basics about photography. Easiest solution - take photos of your dogs outside when it's sunny and they're NOT running.