Nikon SLR Cameras

550d v 600d v 60d? Which Canon DSLR is best for me?


About 4 years ago i bought my first DSLR - Canon eos 400d (rebel xti). Having loved it for all that time (and used it often), i'm now ready to upgrade. The 400d was a perfect beginers camera, but i'm now looking for a more intermediate to expert level camera. Also, the new features of HD video are essential, partly because they look a lot of fun and partly because i shoot a Youtube Soccer vlog with some friends ( which, as you'll see if you click the link, needs a professional look. The other main use of the camera would be general photography for my own enjoyment.

I have about £400-500 to spend on this, as well as whatever i can get for my EOS 400d (good condition so i assume around £250?).

Having not bought a camera in a while i would love some help. Canon have brought out several similar looking cameras recently and i would love some input on which fits my needs better.

I will not be switching my allegiance to Nikon so don't bother suggesting!


Since the sensors on the three cameras are identical, I would buy the 600D and use the rest of the money to buy another lens to add to your current system.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

The 550D and 600D are still entry level models. The 60D is more of an intermediate camera with a better build and a second scroll wheel, making it a lot nicer to handle.

Obviously, out of the three, I'm suggesting that the 60D would be best.

Jim A
Jim A

The least expensive Canon Rebel that does video, and this is at 720 HD, is the 1100D. It's currently running about $550US. Every camera after it, such as what you've names, are all above that…
$650 - $1, 100 or so for the 60D.

For your budget you could get the 550D which does 1080 HD. I shoot a 500D and love it. I also know Canon's attention to quality and detail so I agree, Canon is always a great choice.