Nikon SLR Cameras

Why do my Nikon lenses do that? Read description?


Sometimes, my pictures look like I'm in the middle of a fog. The colors look washed out, I can barely see myself in them, like if I was a ghost. When this happens, I have to wait like 15 minutes until my lens get back to normal. Did you ever have this problem? I have two lenses and they both do that from time to time.

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel

Because your lenses are possessed by demons.


If your lenses are misting up due to condensation, it's caused by taking a lens from a colder environment such as an air conditioned apartment, into a warmer high humidity environment. Or from a warm environment into a cold environment.

To prevent it, try putting your lens somewhere that the temperature difference isn't so great - perhaps half an hour before you need to use it.


BK nailed it.