Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is the better compact system camera, Nikon 1 V1 or Nikon 1 J1?

Maximilian Iriz
Maximilian Iriz

I'm hoping to buy a compact system camera. I have only used compact camera's before. Through various forums and reviews, i found out that these two are a bit better. Can anyone please tell me which is better off these two, or if not is there any other better one in the same price range.
if possible please give me the prices of these also


You need to visit a proper camera shop and hold both in your hands.

You can compare features here


They are basically the same camera (same sensor and lenses). The J1 is the base model, and the V1 gives you additional options and functionality. You should visit the Nikon website and do a side-by-side comparison of the two models.


The better compact system camera is the Sony NEX. Any of them. Nikon only made the 1 series because they were losing market to Sony… So they threw together the 1 series to get some it back.

Oly is also better.

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

They only differ in features and body build. Both use the exact same image sensor, so you won't get better images out of the V1.

Prices for the J1 have been cut slightly, but I've seen massive cuts on the V1 because it was a giant flop. This happened for two reasons. First out of the gate, the Nikon 1 system is the poorest performer for these types of cameras. Using an image sensor that's even smaller than the micro four thirds really hurt image sensor performance.

Next reason, the V1 was hundreds of dollars more than the J1, and I don't know about you but for that extra dough I want a better image sensor, not the exact same one.

The J1 launched at 649 over a year ago, and the price fell fast. I've seen it being cleared out at 449 and 400. The J2 already launched at a slightly lower street price, and the V1 was slashed big time down to the 400 dollar range to clear them out.

So if you are a fan of the V1, and you can score one being blown out for J1 prices, it's OK. It would be nice to have that nice mag alloy body, and viewfinder over the J1.

Bottom line, the Sony NEX is spanking everyone when it comes to image sensor performance. So for similar money, you can score a Sony NEX F3 and you'll know, packing that camera you've got not only the best image sensor for the money, but a sensor that beats every Canon dSLR with the same size image sensor. Good for you, kind of sad for Canon. On sale now for 499

If you don't like that clunky zoom, pick up a prime or pancake lens from Sony, or from Sigma, they just started making glass for the NEX system.


The Nikon 1 system (both V1 and J1) uses a new mount system. Even the Sony NEX system which is much more mature than the Nikon 1 doesn't have much lenses to offer because of the use of a new mount. If you want to get a large sensor in a compact camera and have an interchangeable lens system with lots of lenses to choose from, one way to go is this.

The other choice is to go the micro four-thirds way.