Nikon SLR Cameras

Tips/suggestions for a beginner photographer?


I have just started taking photos a few weeks ago and really don't know much about photography at all but I really enjoy it and wanted to learn a lot about it. I have a Nikon D7100 and I'm still learning all the different photo terminology and what they mean, for instance, aperture and ISO. As you can see, I'm pretty uneducated on this subject.

Any advice/tips/techniques would be really much appreciated! ~Sara


Read, read, read.

Read your owner's manual. Read up (wikipedia is always a good start) on ISO and exposure. This Pinterest page has lots of great photography resources:

Self edit your photos. Not every shot you take will be worth showing. As a rule of thumb, no more that 10% are worthwhile at any level. Even the absolute best photographers are happy with a 10% hit rate.

Read about composition, the rule of 1/3s leading lines… Learn the rules so you have an understanding of what goes into a good shot, and how you can break the rules to the best benefit.

And above all, keep shooting and reviewing your work. Figure out what works the best for you, and focus in on that aspect of your photography. "Spray and pray" is no way to get better.

Steve P
Steve P

This book would be of immense help to you. Unlike many other people on this site, I feel that spending hours on endless websites is not the best way to learn. A GOOD book that will take you step by step in a logical manner can't be beat. Plus, you can always have a book with you which does not depend on a "connection" or "device" to be usable.

(what a day and age when you have to try to make a case for someone to use a BOOK… Lol)


You have a really nice camera! It is not very beginner-friendly, but that's nothing that can't be fixed. Everything has beauty in it, no matter what it is, it has beauty. Your job as a photographer is to capture that beauty. For some things, it's pretty easy, like a pretty veiw for example. For others, it can be much more difficult. Such as a pencil. It seems so normal, so boring, but it has so much potential! Get down low, find another angle, do whatever you have to do to show the world how beautiful that pencil really is. And that's what photography is all about.