Nikon SLR Cameras

Time interval for timelapse Photography?


I'm doing a star night sky time lapse for about 12 hours. I will be using a Nikon dslr by taking a series of photos and combining them into a video file. So which one is better? A photo in every 1 minute or 5 min?


There's a cool calculator for this you can download for your phone. I know it works on iPhone since thats what I got. Go look up Timelapse Calculator or the XDCam calculator. Mine is the Timelapse Calculator version 1 in the app store.


Since you know how much time your event will last, which is 12 hours you can now focus on the next things.

You need to decide how much time you want your time-lapse to last, in term of second or minutes.

Then you need to decide how much frame rate per second you want to use in your time-lapse, is it:


12 hours for 60 second time-lapse.

I want to use 24fps for the time-lapse video.

60s x 24fps = 1440, this is the number of shot needed to make a one minute video.

12 hours x 60 minutes = 720 minutes. I need 1440.

I need to take a shot every 30sec for 12 hours straight to get 1440 shots.

If I want to make a 120 seconds video at 24fps I will need 2880 shots, it mean a shot every 15 seconds for 12 hours straight.

You can turn minute into seconds then multiply it by the number of hours your event will last to help you calculate.

60s in 1 minutes.
3600 seconds in 1 hours.
43200 seconds in 12 hours.

43200s / 1440shots = 30s

43200s / 2880 shots = 15s

I could be wrong though, wait for more answers.