Nikon SLR Cameras

Screen on my Nikon j1 is black and won't take pictures. What can I do?


The screen on my Nikon j1 is black and won't take pictures. What can I do?


I would check to make sure the battery is in properly and fully charged. Next turn on the camera and remove the lens cover if it has one.

Jim A
Jim A

If all else fails call Nikon for warranty work.


Turn off the camera. Turn on. Press the Menu button. If you see the menu in the screen, press menu again. Set camera to Auto mode, Auto ISO, Auto white balance, ISO to 0 and AF on. You may have to check the manual for some of those settings. Go out and take a picture of a brightly colored car. If you don't see the car on the screen as you point the camera to it and after you take its picture, the camera's digital sensor is dead. Call Nikon to ask how much will repairs cost.