Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon vs Canon DSLR?


Which is better?


It depends upon two things really.

* what cameras system has the cameras and lenses needed by the photographer?
* what camera system do they already have, especially if they started as a photographer shooting 35 mm SLR cameras.

Those two things will determine which is better for the photographers cost of doing business.

At present there are over five other brands of fully adjustable digital cameras that use interchangeable lenses. Each have their strengths and each have weaknesses.

It is up to each photographer to pick the best equipment for their needs.

A poll is really a waste of time for every one, since it proves nothing. Opinions are just that and usually have nothing to do with quality of a certain product.

Just because Nikon and Canon dSLR sales account for over 70% of all sales, does NOT mean that they are the penultimate. It just means that more photographers have been using them for long periods of time and to suddenly switch brands would be a foolish and very costly thing to do.


Canon and Nikon are the world's leading brands of DSLRs and are equal in performance.
But, also, there are Pentax, Olympus, Sony… Also good brands.

Steve P
Steve P

All I can add is that if you are seriously asking this question to determine which camera to buy, your knowledge level is so horrendously low that you should buy nothing.

If it is just a poll out of curiosity, it is absolutely meaningless.


Neither is better and Sony, Pentax, Olympus shouldn't be overlooked. After all, "Its not the camera its the photographer" that really makes the difference.

However… If your goal is to one day upgrade from a crop sensor DSLR to a full-frame DSLR you should consider this major difference between Nikon and Canon.

Nikon has used the same lens mount for over 50 years.
Canon changed their lens mount in 1988.

Advantage Nikon for backwards compatibility.

Nikon has two lens lines: DX for crop sensor cameras and FX for full-frame cameras.

Canon has two lens lines: EF-S for crop sensor cameras and EF for full frame cameras.

Where they differ is that a Nikon DX lens can be used on a Nikon full-frame camera although the camera will crop the sensor to the size of a crop sensor camera. Obviously you lose the full benefit of the full frame sensor but at least you can use the DX lenses had for your crop sensor camera.

The Canon EF-S lenses are totally incompatible with a Canon full-frame DSLR. So if you had a Canon crop sensor DSLR and added 2 or 3 EF-S lenses and then upgraded to a Canon full-frame DSLR you'd have to replace all your EF-S lenses.

Advantage Nikon for forwards compatibility.

Awffy Huffy
Awffy Huffy

You won't get a better answer or advice than what is already here… Can't argue or add anything to what is already offered.


Better for what?
Overall I would say that for DSLRs Canon = Nikon = Pentax = Sony
They are basically the same. A few minor differences but overall equal!

Jim A
Jim A

As already mentioned neither… They're both excellent and are the world's leading camera brands.
One thing to remember, Canon is the most chosen by the world's professionals. I'm a Canon guy so that's what I recommend… Quality - just plain quality.



In case you're hanging on to the, 'Most popular,' tag, just remember that the Krasnogorsk works (Moscow) has produced more Rangefinders and SLRs than Canon and Nikon combined.


This type of question gets asked about which Camera Manufacture, Camera Model is better, recommended, or "Which One I Should Get" far too often.

It comes down to personal preference where some may like how Nikon feels in their hands or how the layout of the Nikon Cameras are. Vice Verse on Canon Cameras.

Nikon fans would be saying to get Nikon. Same thing with Canon Fans where they would be saying to get Canon.

So otherwise it all comes down to personal preference.

Fady N
Fady N

Canon DSLR


Neither is better and Sony, Pentax, Olympus shouldn't be overlooked.


Think so…