Nikon D40 18-55 mm lens won't focus?

I recently bought a Nikon D40 that comes with the 18-55 mm lens. I know its not the BEST lens in the world, its AT BEST, standard. But when I see AMAZING photos that people take with the same camera and LENS that I have, I get agitated when mine doesn't perform the same way. What settings can I use to make my camera perform the way it I KNOW it can, Can anyone please explain to me the best settings for the Nikon, I'm a HUGE noob/beginner with these SLR cameras, but I've heard great things about this camera so I HAD to have it. Please let me know what I can do to ALSO take portrait photos like the ones I'm supposed to get. Please and Thanks!

The autofocus motor should be in the lens, as is the selector switch. If it is set to manual, that can be your problem. Okay, assuming you already know that, blame the camera (which must make the proper electrical interaction) or blame the lens? Try carefully cleaning the contacts with alcohol on a swab, avoiding getting any lint of dust in the camera body. Still no go?
You may want to visit a camera store to try to solve this. Will the lens behave better on a different body? Will the body behave better than a different lens?

The 18-55mm is a great lens if only you know how to use it properly.
There's no best lens and there's no best settings.