Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the nikon em a good camera?


Can you adjust the F stop?


It is and was a good camera, designed for advanced amateur photographers.

Here is a link to the cameras user manual

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

Well any tool can be called "good" given a particular criteria.

Personally, I don't like the Nikon EM for the simple reason that the photographer can't adjust the shutter speed at all, it's only automatic or 1/90th of a second.

The EM is a very small, plastic, quiet, cheap Nikon whereas Nikon's most well-known and used cameras are fairly large, louder, metal and fairly expensive 35mm SLR's. The EM was made for an amateur who didn't want to learn proper photography but was a little more advanced than the average person.

To me, if you are looking at EM's and like them, the better camera to buy is an FG because it is exactly like the EM BUT the photographer CAN adjust the shutter speed manually if they choose to. This is going to allow you to learn to become a better photographer whereas with the EM, you're going to be at a dead end at some point.

But again, it all depends on what you're looking for. Maybe you already know how to shoot in full manual mode and just want a compact camera that you can put nice lenses on but is cheap, stealthy and doesn't matter if it's damaged or lost while carrying it around everywhere. For that, the EM and FG are great.

If you want a camera that embodies more of what Nikon are known for, the FM is a better first camera as it lacks any electronic exposure and is hand built with nearly all metal parts. The FM will probably outlive an EM if only because it will nearly always be serviceable. And it's just more enjoyable to hold, look through and use in most peoples' opinions.

Enjoy whatever you choose!