Nikon SLR Cameras

IPhone or Nikon which one?


I really want the iPhone 5, but I have a phone. What's the good things about the iPhone?
I'm 13. Do I really need an iPhone?
But. Also, a professional camera would be nice. I take pictures everyday on an IPOD.
the camera sucks.


You don't really NEED either of these objects. You would LIKE to have them, but a want is not the same as a need.

If YOU (not your parents) have the money to spend on one of these items, go with which one offers you the greatest level of utility. That is to say, which one would you use to its fullest and most often

Jim A
Jim A

Is this a joke? It's well known world wide that cell phone cameras are junk. If you want a camera buy a real one but hey… It's your money.


If you want a camera, buy a camera.

You have little to no need for an iPhone. If you have an iPod touch then you have all the good features of an iPhone minus the phone aspect. It also costs a lot of money to continually pay for a phone bill or credit to use mobile internet.

Buy a camera, you'll like it more. You have no reason to replace your phone at the moment.