Nikon SLR Cameras

How to import pictures from my computer to my Nikon camera?


I don't know much on camera's or anything like that. Using it sometimes confuses the hell out of me. Anyways, From what name comes on my laptop when I connect the two- I have the Nikon DSC COOLPLIX L320-PTP? I guess? Or just a Nikon camera lol, I have no clue. Anyways, I was wondering if I could take pictures from my computer previously imported on here to my camera. If you can do it, I have no clue how and I would really like your help!



You can't copy images from your computer to a digital camera. Even if you did, your camera could not "see" them

The memory card on your camera is for temporary storage of your images until you can copy all of them to your computer at the end of each shooting day.

What you need to do is remove the memory card from your camera and use a card reader to copy all your images to a new file folder named for the subject/location and date so you can find the images later.

Once all your images are safely on your computer, format the card using the format feature on your camera, NOT you computer.


It is not a good idea to write files from the computer to a card being used in the camera. It confuses the filing system so that the camera might not work with that card at all, until you reformat it with the camera. If you do have to reformat a card with your camera, first copy any images that you want to keep to a computer.

Jim A
Jim A

You don't. Your camera is not a viewing device.

Awffy Huffy
Awffy Huffy

If you want to view your images buy yourself a 'tablet' or copy them to your smartphone.

If you are always around a computer then copying your best shots to a USB drive that you keep on your keyring is handy and lets you show your 'masterpieces' off to all your friends.

As the other contributors say… Your camera isn't a viewing device. The LCD on the camera was only intended for previewing your shots and for using when shooting video.


I have copied some photos back to my camera, but it was a longtime ago. What I did is figure out what folder my camera is saving its pix to. Then I copied photos from the camera that had not been changed in any way to that folder. Have no idea if that will work for your L32, but it might be worth a try.


Simple answer… You don't!
Why would you want to anyway?
Cameras are for taking photos and transferring to computer.
cameras are not a storage device for keeping and showing photos.