Great Camera for taking professional pictures ie. Nature and Buildings?

I want a new life hobby and I'm really interested in photography. The problem is I have no idea how to start. I want a camera like those professional photographers who carry them everywhere strapped to there chest looking for the perfect pic lol! I'm also in high school so my budget is tight. I heard Nikon cameras were good but I have no idea so could you give me some great suggestions for cameras. Especially ones that i could take great nature photos with and sunrises and roof buildings. Also any tips on photo taking and well any beginner advice would be very appreciated! No kiddy cameras i want it to look professional but fun so i can make a portfolio.

If you have serious money this lens and boy will keep you busy
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM¤cy=GBP
Start of with a wee digital like the lumix ZC10 which I carry all the time. Its wide enough to photo buildings and his a 16x zoom…

There's a big difference between having a professional looking camera and making competent photos with said camera. You didn't mention a budget. If you want really professional stuff, be prepared to spend anywhere from $5000 up to the tens of thousands for just the body.
The reality is that any entry level dSLR with its kit lens will do just fine for a beginner. It will be a great start to learning the basics and will serve for quite a long time. Indeed, the majority of photographers will never outgrow their first dSLR. Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony and Olympus all make fine entry level cameras starting at about $500. Here is a list of possibilities from dpreview:
After you get your camera, plan to spend lots of time in the user's manual. Also pick up a book on basic photography and composition. Maybe Digital Photography For Dummies as well. (Not that you're a dummy at all, but it is a good simple book that explains things from the start, assuming you know very little about the entire process.)
Then do a Google for photography tips or lessons, and you will find lots of great sites for learning. I'm leaving you a link to some good/excellent photography so you will know how good work looks.
There are lots of forums and tutorials on as well as work from every genre all over the world.
Don't plan on having much portfolio worthy material for some time. It takes applied effort both in learning and practice before you will put out consistently decent work. Everyone starts at the beginning and builds from there. Have fun and happy shooting!

Canon 1Dx.

Get that camera. It's cheap enough and easy to use. If you find photography challenging after handling it, pass on the camera to someone else who can appreciate it.
Just remember, it's all in the light. Shoot only under great lighting. Use flash indoors and in low light. Study the link below first. You can go to the more technical side of photography when you start yearning for more and get your first dSLR.

Hi, good time to enjoy a HOBBY with photography, just not a profession so keep that in mind.
Nikon just lowered the price on the Nikon D90 so you can now get a very good camera for a much
better price than just two weeks ago.
For a good hobby camera the lens can be one of the longer range zoom lenses such as the 18~200 or the 18~300 Nikkor.
If money is no problem then the Nikon D600 with the 24~200 f4.0
Read the book that comes with it then go back and use the camera with the book and page by page learn how to make the camera work fully. That will take you a long time but in the end you will have the TOOL (camera/lens combo) figured out and then you can start to learn photography.
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