Nikon SLR Cameras

Why won't computer recognize Nikon d3000?

Computer Geek
Computer Geek

Today i went to plug in camera using usb cord and it won't show up on computer at all. I've never had problems with it in the past 2 years i've had it. Anybody have any idea on how to fix this?


Probably one of Windows updates shut off the "auto play"

What you need to do is remove your memory card from the camera and insert it into a card reader.

Then just use the computers file manager to copy all the images to your hard drive. It is best if you make a new file folder named for the subject and date. This will help you later find your images, even years later


There's one very simple and quick solution to this problem is to use a Card Reader. A Card Reader is the most preferred way to download photos onto the computer by many of us "Regulars"

Just connect the card reader to the computer only if the computer doesn't already have one. Remove the memory card from the camera and insert the memory card into the card reader and the start downloading. It's that easy plus card readers and can be used on many different types of computers and doesn't cost that much and also can be found at many electronic stores.

