Nikon SLR Cameras

What Program can I use to take photos with my Nikon D3100 camera on the computer?


I'm working on some stop frame animation projects and I want to have a program or a way to take a photo from the computer without having to press the button on the camera and risk moving it even just a bit.

It would be nice if the photo transferred to the computer as well, but that isn't necessary.

I have a Nikon D3100 camera and Windows 7 on my laptop.

Any help would be awesome! Thank you

Added (1). I do have a USB cord connected from the camera to the computer and the computer recognizes it, and I access the Photos on the SD card in the camera, but I have no way of controlling the camera, or taking a picture from the computer itself.


You're asking the impossible, sorry. That's why people use stop-motion video cameras.

Jim A
Jim A

Only a few dslr cameras are capable of tethering, which is what you're asking about. Your Nikon software that came with the camera will be the only way that will work, if it's capable of tethering.

Check the help section of your Nikon software for tethering. If the camera isn't equipped you can't do it.

The other way, and you're probably already doing this, is a tripod and your 10-second self timer.