Nikon SLR Cameras

Reverse mount nikon d3200?


Okay so i'm using a reverse mount with my nikon d3200 and its kit lense. But when i go to take a picture on manual mode hardly anything shows up… Even with a ton of light… Help?

George Y
George Y

The 18-55mm kit lens, like all the other G-series lenses, doesn't have an aperture ring. To reverse mount a lens and use it on your D3200, you'll need to control the aperture and that's not possible in this case. If the lens doesn't have an aperture ring, the lens will shut down to the very smallest setting (f/22).


While there's no aperture ring on the lens, some have figured out how to jamb a piece of paper into the aperture actuator on the lens so that you can adjust it.

There are a couple of webpages showing how this is done, but I just don't like those Rube Goldberg solutions.

Another option is to buy a set of extension tubes, such as those made by Kenko. Be sure to get the ones that have the electrical contacts on them so that the camera can control the lens.