Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon d3100 for youtube?


I have this nikon d3100 dslr and I want to shoot videos of myself talking to the camera indoors. I don't want to buy any other cameras. What settings should I use? Any tips and tricks I could do? And what types of videos are d3100 good at?


Yes the D3100 is a good camera.

Taking selfie videos with the D3100 is going to be problematic since it does NOT have an articulated LCD, like one of the Nikon D5000 series cameras.

The tip is this. Buy a camcorder if your goal is to shoot Youtube videos.

No mater what camera you use, you will need 1) a strudy tripod, 2) a good external sound recorder like the Zoom H1, some studio lights (continuous) and some kind of neutral background. So, be sure that you budget for those additional items. You will also need to use Class 10, UHS-1 memory cards

When you buy lights, get some with at least 500 watt lamps. Providing enough light is the only way to prevent your video from showing noise. When there's not enough light, the camera will have to try to get good exposures by increasing the ISO… Thus raising the amount of noise showing up in your videos


Buy a camcorder with a rotating LCD screen. Not only will it work better at videos than the D3100, but you'll be happier with how much easier it is to use.