Nikon SLR Cameras

Camera Equipment stolen from me?


Recently in my neighborhood about 2 months ago that's were some break ins and the police caught the people responsible. About a week ago my wife and I were talking photos with my Bikini d3200 that we paid for from best buy and have a receipt for on hand and online plus on our best buy card. Well apparently one of the neighbors had one like it that was stolen and never will recovered they saw us using it and called the police who were still looking for everything. When they got to our house the neighbors were out side with them and the officer asked if we had the neighbors Nikon d3200 and I told the officer we had one yes but it was ours and we could prove it so we brought it out with the receipt and the officer said well you could of called the paper receipt. At that point the neighbor said that they just wanted their camera back and I said this is not your camera we bought this a year ago at best buy for 2000 along with the telephoto lenses they said again that it was too much of a coincidence that we had one and the officer agreed and told me that if I did not hand over the camera I would be arrested on the spot we went to see a judge the next day and he agreed that all the receipts we had proceed it was ours and when he called or neighbors who were in the police report they said no it was theirs and we're not going to give back the camera and hung up. The cop told the judge he was just doing his job an the judge said sorry his hands are tied. What can we do?

I. Jones
I. Jones

Bikini, Nikon… Whatever, it's all the same.

If you still have the receipt from best buy, and/or the original packaging you should be able to trace it by serial number. You did send in the warranty card, didn't you.


Call the police and report that they have your property. Refer to the judgement. There's nothing they can do because they have your property. It is up to the police to clean up their mess. I can insist someone has something of mine, but that doesn't make it true. If the cop believes me and not them and makes them surrender their property, who is the true criminal? Seriously. Call the police and insist that they make good and have your property returned.


File a police report against the neighbors
for having stolen property

good luck with that

you should have not handed over anything, and let yourself get arrested… It would have been sorted out then.