Nikon SLR Cameras

Blurry Nikon d200/300 Photos?


I take photos at a racetrack. I use my boss' camera for the job. He has provided me with a Nikon d200 or a d300.It works fairly well during the day. I have backlight issues, but I can deal with that on Photoshop. I'm mostly concerned about how blurry my photos get when the light starts to fade at the end of the day. My finish line photos are fine, but my winner's circle photos are always blurry on both of these particular cameras. I have tried every possible combination of iso and shutter speed. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to avoid this problem?


You have to learn how to adjust the cameras ISO to match the lighting.

The D300 is fully capable of shooting at 3200 ISO with little or no noise, but the D200 produces too much noise at that ISO setting. You need to adjust the ISO until the cameras shutter speed is 1/500 second

Here is a sample of an action shot using a shutter speed of 1/500th second at 3200 ISO