Nikon SLR Cameras

Is there a problem with my nikon d90?


I have purchased a nikon d90 a month ago. I never used the sports mode before. But now when i use it i'm able to take only single shot in it. I was being told that the sports mode takes continuous pictures, but mine is not. I want to ask is there a problem with my camera or there needs to be some settings thats i have to change

Land Shark
Land Shark

The manual is your friend, but here's a short cut:



Your camera is working perfectly fine.

Sports mode is relatively high ISO and fast shutter speed. To take pictures continuously, you need to put the camera in "continuous shooting mode". The manual will come in handy to help you locate where that setting is.


Sports mode is one of the few automatic-scene modes on the camera.

I used to own a D90 before I gave it to my eldest son.

I can't recall for sure, but you might have to get out of auto mode. On Nikon DSLRs, most all of the advanced settings are disabled on the automatic modes, so you may have to use one of the PSAM modes - which you should eventually learn to do anyway if you want to get the maximum performance out of the camera. This is true not only for the D90, but any DSLR.

For sports, S (Shutter Priority) is probably going to be the best as you can control the shutter speed.

Then Push down on the button on the top of the camera that looks like 3 folders - this is the continuous shutter mode, then turn the command dial (either front or rear - I can't remember) until you select the desired mode.

Or I think you can make the setting in the menu.

If you don't know anything about PSAM modes, I suggest picking up a book by Bryan Peterson called "Understanding Exposure":