Nikon SLR Cameras

How to change nikon d60 setting? - 1


I'm taking pictures for my school play tonight and i can't figure out how to change the setting on my camera. When i put it on M and change the shutter speed the aperture is too dark but when i put it on A and change the aperture the shutter speed is too slow. How do i get a clear picture that is well lit without a flash?


When you are shooting in manual, you need to use the light meter in the view finder. A correct exposure will be when the index is showing in the zero (0). The minus (-) shows underexposure (dark images) and the plus (+) shows over exposure.

In order to shoot using the light of the stage, you need to use the highest ISO your camera supports.

You can always remove some of the noise associated with high ISO's in post production. When I shoot under such conditions, I shoot in RAW and then process all the images using Lightroom, reducing the noise in that program. Using Lightroom allows me to batch process the whole shooting session at one time.

If you get a reading of the light on the stage, you can use that setting throughout the play


Make sure you're in the front row. Set camera to A mode then set aperture to lowest f/number. Set ISO to 800. If pictures come out blurred, bump ISO to 1600. If you are using the 18-55mm lens, you may get better results shooting wide at 18mm. Resist the temptation to zoom in.