Nikon SLR Cameras

Best Settings for Low-Light Concert Photogrpahy?


I have a Nikon D5000, 18-200 VR 3.5 lens
no flash (other than than one that comes on the camera)

Can someone Please give me a rundown of all my settings I need to get the best quality pictures, I want to go to the concert with some pre-settings… I know I will have to adjust when I'm there, but I would love to have a good foundation before I show up.


Okay well honestly I wouldn't use a zoom lens. With a zoom lens, you sacrifice a lot of the sharpness. Try a standard lens or a 50mm fixed lens.

As for settings, I usually set it like this:
Aperture= as open as it can be, in your case 3.5 which will not be very efficient. I usually use 1.8 or 2.8.
Shutter speed= Depends on how fast the band moves or how much the lights change. I stay around 1/10 - 1/50
ISO= I go up to 800 or even 1200 at the highest.
White balance = Choose the bulb icon, or the cloud icon. Those usually work well.

Try not to use flash.


ISO 3200
White balance set to incandescent
Shoot when the performer is under the most light and moving the least

NOTE: You can get rid of some of the noise at high ISO's but blur caused by subject or camera movement lasts forever


You will not be able to do it with your equipment unless by some miracle the concert has a decent amount of lighting. That or you are going to need amazing seats. 3.5 is too narrow an aperture for low light, and that is without zoom. It will be even smaller if you have to zoom in. Best advice is bump your ISO as high as it will go, keep your aperture wide and keep your eyes peeled for any changes in the concert that might provide more lighting. That or be willing to use your on camera flash or borrow or rent a better lens with a wider aperture.