Nikon SLR Cameras

Best Point&Shoot camera for low light and sports?


I need a point and shoot camera that is good in low light and good for movement.
I have tried several one's from canon and nikon and now my latest one is the samsung wb150.
But none i've had got me really excited about the pictures it took at night outdoors. Or when i try to take pics of my 2 year old… They always come out grainy and blurry and with ugly shadows…

Is there a camera you have or would suggest that can give me what i'm looking for?
And i do have a DSLR camera but i'm looking for a smaller size that can come close to what the DSLR can do.


For excellent low light photography, you need a camera with a large sensor, so any P&S you buy will not fit that requirement and any shots you take a high ISO settings will be very noisy

Shooting action again requires a camera like your dSLR because P&S cameras have a lot of shutter lag, from 0.8 to 3 seconds when using on-board flash.

IN addition, when shooting sports or action, you need to be able to actually set the cameras shutter speed to 1/500th second or faster. Very few bridge P&S cameras have this option

Basically there are no P&S cameras that can do what a dSLR can when it comes to shooting in low light and shooting sports or action.

There are some EVIL cameras, but the electronic viewfinder has lag, so it will probably cause missed shots for that reason, even though there's only a tiny bit of shutter lag.

Visit a proper camera shop and hold some of the current EVIL or SLT cameras in your hands and see if any fit your needs.


None, they all suffer from a sensor too small to do the job.

The Sony NEX series, the new Canon EVIL (whose name I forget) and various Olympus and Panasonic models, all use DSLR-sized sensors. The Pentax K-01 uses both a DSLR sensor and a DSLR lens mount, but isn't very compact and is also very ugly. The Pentax Q and Nikon 1 series use compact sensors and would be as bad as a P&S but more expensive.

I'd think twice about an EVIL camera, but if you can put up with the cost and the shutter-lag, one might suit.


As a previous user mentioned, you'll need a large sensor to even approach a DSLR. There are very few point & shoot cameras with large sensors, and these are, with few exceptions, still much smaller than DSLR sensors.

There are two from Sony that might fit the bill. The first is the RX100, with a 1" sensor, the same size as the Nikon 1 series. This is still pretty small compared to any DSLR, but huge among P&S. The other from Sony is the RX1, a full-frame sensor P&S, a bigger sensor than many DSLRs, but a price to match.

Another option may be the Canon G1X, with a 1.5" sensor. This is actually a bit larger than the 4/3rds sensors, smaller than APS-C, but for sensor size, about this biggest you'll get in a P&S without breaking the bank on the Sony RX1. Unfortunately, it has a slower lens than the Sonys, with a max aperture of f2.8 vs.f1.8 for the RX100 and f2 for the RX1.

The other notable larger-sensor P&S cameras I know of are the Fuji X-series, which use a 2/3" sensor.

I would check some reviews, DPReview will have info regarding low-light performance and will let you compare performance of multiple cameras. Among the Sony RX100, Canon G1X and Fuji X100, they list the G1X with the best low-light performance. Here are some links:

Sony RX100 Review:
Canon G1X Review:
Sony RX1 Preview:
Fuji X10 Review:
Fuji X100 Review:


There are no point & shoot cameras that are good for low-light or sports. That is the domain of a DSLR.