Nikon SLR Cameras

Best digital camera to buy?


Canon, nikon, sony, ?


How can we do your research for you and tell you what the best option would be for YOU, when we know nothing about you?

You didn't tell us what your interests are, what sort of photography you want to do. You told us nothing about your skill level nor your expectations. Can you spare $5000 + or only $100? Budget is pretty important when it comes to cameras.

Obviously the one with the most features (which will probably also be the most expensive one) will give you the most options.
By the way… Eventually you really need to learn a bit about photography anyway, otherwise you'll be forever stuck on Auto and at the mercy of a camera, taking so-so snapshots. NOW would be a very good time to start learning - you'll make a much better buying decisions, and you'll take better photos.