Youtube Beauty Guru?

I've been planning for a while to become a guru but i hadn't found the right camera, but now i have a camera ( Nikon cool pix s6300) and i
really like it. I want to make sure i start doing videos that people will like? What videos should i do to start off my channel? I think i will do a "my
everyday makeup routine". What kind of videos do you enjoy?
do you like my username or should i change it so its got to do with makeup? If i should change it, what do you recommend?
You should subscribe (
this is my friend and i's channel, hopefully we will be making videos together on it.
Added (1). Don't forget to subscribe and write on my wall ideas of videos you want me to make!

I love the username! And yeah, everyday makeup routines, nail tutorials, hair tutorials, OOTD (Outfit Of The day) :) I hope this helped!

I like your name! Mine is dumb because I couldn't think of something better LOL! Yeah you can do reviews, hauls, tutorials, hair tutorials, OOTDs, DIYs, I LOVE watching DIYs and hauls! Skin care routine, what's in my purse, foundation routine, etc. I'll check out your channel. I'm also a new guru!
My channel is MissGlitter247 if you want to check it out!