Will nikon ever make a video camera?

Will nikon ever make a dedicated video camera? Seems like they should enter this market being they already make the best DSLR cam out there. They have all the necessary experience so i don't see why they have started this yet
Added (1). what do you mean why bother? If youre saying that then there's no reason for sony or canon to make video cameras either cuz they both have a huge line of DSLR's that can shoot HD vid.

They did for a few years up to the mid '90s.

Why would they bother? They can shift DSLRs (fairly good) S- and L- series compacts (dire), P-series compacts (good, but over-priced) and the 1-series (the worst EVIL cameras on the market, although this is like the flattest carpet). They have no reputation in video, and probably can't be bothered with the investment.
By the way, Sony's SLTs will blow any Nikon out of the water in video performance, but only intelligent people know about them.

Nikon never had a pure video camera and it is doubtful that they will.
Panasonic, JVC and Sony lead in the video camera market and they are pretty much the only ones you see on the sidelines at professional events.
I shoot stills using Nikon dSLR cameras. When I need to shoot video, I rent a camera like this one. For the day

Actually the Nikon 1 cameras are very good at video.
These cameras have a separate video processor, which allows the use of an oversampling technique to map the sensor to the 2.1Mp required for full HD, whereas most cameras (including DSLRs) skip pixels. Having a second on-board processor is one reason they cost so much.
In fact the oversampling technique works so good Sony used the ideat in their RX10 (the Nikon 1 was first though).
Nikon won't likely get into the video camera market as it is already a mature market with little growth potential.
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