Which one is a better brand for cameras, nikon or fujifilm?

Which one is a better brand for cameras, nikon or fujifilm?

Both companies make excellent gear. If by "best" you mean higher level of camera such as a bridge opposed to a dslr, Fuji doesn't make dslr cameras any longer and of course Nikon does.

They compete in different sectors.
Nikon make better DSLRs because Fujifilm don't make them at all.
Fujifilm's bridge cameras all have manual controls and viewfinders - making them better than most competing Nikon models (even the most basic Fujifilm will blow the Nikon L810 out of the water) and cheaper than Nikon's top line.
In pocket-sized compacts, neither is particularly good or very bad.

While Fuji's bridge cameras typically do have some semblance of manual controls, they don't have the full range of controls you would expect them to have.
I had a Fuji S2950, and I hated it so bad I sold it within 2 months of purchase.
The main issue was poor optics and unacceptable shutter delay, but what manual controls it did have was marginal.
For instance, the aperture control only allowed two settings. The smallest and largest opening the aperture was capable of - and no in-between.
Sad to say that Nikon does not make the best compact cameras - especially those under $300. But their higher end compacts (P series) are competitive, and their DSLRs are the best.
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