Which of these you would buy?

I want to buy one of the following and i'm confused.
1:Sony Play Station 3
2:Xbox 360
3:iphone 5s
4:Nikon D3300
6:Xbox 1
Added (1). Well i want to takes pics and play games. Which is better any way? Ok only tell about gaming consoles

Depends on what you're interested in more. E.g gaming, social networking or photography

Since you've told us nothing about what you want to do, how do you expect us to give you a good answer?
I mean obviously if you want to take photos, you're not going to be buying a game console, for instance…

Xbox 360 all the way.

I would not waste money on the 360 or PS3 at this point since it is well known that both sony and microsoft aren't going to support them much longer

Well I would chose PS3 since the online play is free, but PS4 has so many good games that's coming out that I would actually chose that instead. Although I didn't like the idea of paying to play online, but Oh well.

Consoles? Either PS4 or Xbox1. Both are good and very little between them from a spec point of view. Think about what games you want to play, check out what exclusives each console has and decide from there. If you have friends who play on consoles and wish to play with them then consider this too.
The ps3 and 360 are also both good but support is ending for them next year, so maybe a new gen console is better.
As for taking pictures, between the iPhone 5 and the camera, I'd go for the camera.
Obviously if you want to buy just one product that does both games and camera then a smart phone. I'd opt for an android one though, probably a Samsung. I've had the S3 and now the S5 and both have a great camera that can take a good clear photo. And plenty games on the play store too.