Which Camera Brand is good for learning photography?

Some one advised that Canon and Nikon are good for learning photography. I'm planning to buy Used OLD Camera.Olumpus is good brand or not? I'm currenlty looking for Sony, Canon or Nikon Camera but i do not know about Olympus results… I'm living in Pakistan so it is not possible to buy Camera online…

Canon and Nikon are the best for all levels even beginners

Definitely try a canon I used mine for my whole 2 years for a photography course they are very simple and easy to use to
The canon EOS 1000D is only £100 to

If your budget is tight. Buy 1000D (Canon) or D3000 (Nikon) if available in pakistan. Because both models has been discontinued. But both the cameras are inexpnesive (around 20-22K)
Try not to buy a used camera.

If you're talking about film SLRs, Olympus made some nice ones, but apart from the OM-10, they weren't really for beginners unless you wanted to learn the hard way.
In used DSLRs or compacts, Olympus are no better and no worse than most others. As long as you avoid Benq, Vivitar or Kodak, you should be OK.