Where can you buy nikon film cameras in a store?

I really need a cool camera that can take extremely artsy pics!

Try walgreens or cvs etc…

If you mean a 35mm camera, you will have to go to a real camera store, or look online.

Nicole, quality photography is not created solely by purchasing a particular brand or type of camera. Did you know that people spend their entire lives studying and learning photography? If all there was to photography was simply buying something, we wouldn't have to do that and things would be very boring. You're going to need to read a basic photography manual, the instruction manual to your camera and shoot hundreds and thousands of photos, then read some more. Photography is hard work, which hopefully you find enjoyable enough to keep doing and achieve your vision.
Getting into film photography can certainly help free up creativity. And I personally believe that Nikon FM's are good student cameras.
DO NOT buy your first 35mm camera from Craigslist or eBay. Likely you will end up with a broken camera if you do this. Buy from a reputable camera shop such as KEH.com, CollectibleCameras.com, BHPhoto.com or Adorama.com. Go to the used departments of the last two to find a Nikon FM and a 50mm lens.
If you do not want a vintage Nikon, you can buy a brand new Nikon FM10 at any good camera store.
Then do a lot of reading and a lot of shooting. If you have any specific questions, write me any tyme at JohnnyMartyr@Hotmail.com

Try http://www.bhphotovideo.com/...ovideo.com. They carry a few brand new Nikon film SLRs.

Go to a camera store, but I would suggest a Kodak. Also you as others think you have to use the same brand film as the camera but that is only for business.

Nikon N80 35mm SLR Film Camera is packed to the brim with features galore. You can use a variety of metering options (3D matrix, centre weighted, & spot), so it has got enough ground for the beginner to expand to intermediate level. You can vary the focal point with a selector at the film back door, and lock it so you don't change the setting accidentally. Many photographers love the depth of field preview with allows you to see how much is in focus in front of and behind…