Nikon SLR Cameras

Where can I find a professional film camera now?


Most professional camera manufacturers stopped making film camera.

The only one I can find was a Nikon FM10, but that's not very professional, is it?


EBay. For real.


If you don't mind ordering things online, you can order from B&H. They're a really awesome company and should be more than able to help you out! Http://


All you need to do is google the kind of Camera you want (;


It doesn't matter what camera you use. If you get paid taking pictures, you're a pro. The camera is only a tool.


With any camera, the lens is far more important than the body. This is doubly so for a film camera. There's no sensor, the body is just a box containing a mechanism for releasing the shutter. It's the lens/film combination that determines the technical quality of your image. The FM10 was a consumer grade camera but will do just nicely. I use a Canon A1, which many professionals used, plus FD lenses are bloody gorgeous.

You can find them everywhere, KEH is your best best for condition, but you could take the risk and try ebay and craigslist. They're easy enough to get hold of. Though some models are rarer than others.

Canons EOS cameras were the first properly dedicated auto focus SLR's. However I like manual focus.

The old man used an Olympus OM 40, again a cracking camera, and OM lenses were great. The pro range were the OM 1, 2 etc.

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

Hang in there! Film is not dead yet! Don't settle for some beat up old consumer grade camera if you want to shoot with a professional camera but also shoot film.

There are still plenty of NEW professional film cameras, you just didn't look hard enough!

Nikon F100:

Nikon F6:

Canon EOS-1V:

Leica M7:

Leica MP:

Zeiss IKON:

Voigtlander Bessa series (35mm and 120):

Most professionals using film are shooting medium and large format. Hasselblad and Mamiya even make professional MF SLR's that take both digital and film backs.

Plenty of large format companies are still around too like Horseman and Linhoff.

The fact of the matter is that today's film photographers have decades of vintage film cameras to choose from because they were made so well and continue to take peerless images. Meanwhile, the cost of manufacturing mechanical devices of high quality has skyrocketed. So many manufactures have stopped making them because they can't sell them. But the top manufacturers are because people are still buying and using them!



"Most professional camera manufacturers stopped making film camera."

News to me. As of this morning Nikon, Canon, and Hasselblad all make film cameras. Check out the Nikon F6 or the Canon 1V.

No, the FM10 is an entry level film SLR.

Steve P
Steve P

There are many places, but KEH is by far the largest, best selection, most accurate condition ratings, and even very good prices. It is beyond astonishing what they have.


ADD: The answers about there still being new film cameras made today are certainly correct, and I'm aware of that. I simply put KEH as a source because there's such a vast amount of pro level film gear available now at pennies on the dollar of new cost. I just don't see the need of spending money on new equipment. A long time pro photographer friend of mine who is a very successful commercial photographer has never bought a new piece of equipment his entire life! That makes sense, though I can't say that about myself.