Nikon SLR Cameras

What would be the best digital camera in $200 range?


I want to buy a camera in the range of $200 which would be the best among them? My preferred brand would be Sony, Canon, Nikon, Olympus. I'm basically looking for the best quality picture in higher pixels.

Michael N
Michael N

Id say a Nikon S6000 is your way to go. With a 14.2 megapixle lens with 7X wide-angle zoom, Id say its tough to beat. I have one, and i love it. Takes excelent, clear, sharp photos that are always highly detailed. The first time i got it, pictures came out a bit red, so i exchanged it, and i have to admit that $200 is a great price for this camera. Take a look


Cameras to consider include:
Nikon Coolpix S8100
Canon PowerShot SD940 IS ELPH
Canon PowerShot SD1400 IS ELPH
Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
Nikon Coolpix L110

Of these I might pick the Nikon L110 for the extra zoom.


get sony dsc w530 the cheapest best camera i can suggest,

or else better

get canon ixus 115/ELPH 100 HS

if you budget allows you
well if you still need something better look no furthure, go get fujifilm s2950.

i can vouch for any camera i have listed great camera.

last thing,
higher the pixel bad will be pixel quality, note that more expensive the camera, lesser the pixel they have, one exam is canon s95, 400$ camera, with just 10mp. That being said. Which i have listed have 12-14mp.