Nikon SLR Cameras

What to talk to a councillor about?


So I got a Councillor now; (i asked for one). And I wasn't sure whether I should because every time I felt like I wanted one I didn't know why I needed one, and everytime I didn't want one I felt I needed one.
I had a mentor previously and I suppose I felt sort of lost without that person who I could tell anything and would help me with any problems.
I dunno if any of these things are serious enough for me to need a councilor for and if I can talk to them about it:

1. I have a fear of being left by friends because of a friend I used to have, It makes me paranoid.
2.Im also funny about talking to new people - i find some people intimidating and others seem nice.
3. There are some memories I want to talk about which really upset me,
4. I get upset when i watch adverts for products (in particular the nikon cameras) and some moments in movies - but I don't have a clue why.
5. I don't like alot of people - some people I used to like I don't like.
6. I'm terrified of people changing also.
7. I only really feel confident with alot of my decisions if my friend agrees with them.
8. I guess I usually feel sorta hopeless when I think about my future too.
9. I'm alot happier then I used to be; but I sorta know that I could become quite depressed easily: I mean when my best friend goes on holiday for a week I suddenly dunno what to do, I feel pointless.
10. I scratch my arms too - not sure why, I think its a habit.
11. I'm very anti-scoial, don't like talking to lots of people, I don't feel comfortable in large groups.

I've been picky here ^
But if you just say which numbers don't seem stupid to talk to a councillor about that'd be helpful.

Squashed Orange
Squashed Orange

Talk about your day and how you feel. Your 11 things listed are good things to talk about. Let the counselor take up an entire session per question if he or she wants to.