Nikon SLR Cameras

What is wrong with my camera?


This Nikon, which was working fine a few weeks ago is now taking extremely discoloured and under exposed photos on the Auto setting. This is my mother's camera so I don't know for sure if it was dropped. I'm thinking the IR filter on the sensor may have come off. I hear some type of rattling from within the camera.

Here or some images

In this image you can see an edge of discolouring near the bottom of the photo…

Please tell me what you think is wrong.


Other than the fact that they are grossly underexposed, you need to set the cameras white balance to match the lighting.

Rattling sounds inside the camera is NEVER good.

You need to take your camera into a camera repair shop and have them look at it.

The D50 is a rather old camera (over 7 years old). You may want to think about replacing it if the cost of repair is too much


Both exposures are the exact same yet they are taken hours apart. Check the focusing screen (Google it) and see if it's loose or broken.

Find your manual for the camera and look up how to lock the shutter open (probably under sensor cleaning). Take off the lens, lock the shutter open, and look at the sensor. The IR filter is a glass plate for lack of a better term that sits directly on the sensor. Most people don't even know it's there. If you see it separate from your sensor then you know what the problem is.

James Tilley
James Tilley

I looked at your exif info and your settings were fully auto including your white balance, so its something inside the camera, not a user error. Take it to a camera shop and have them look inside. It may be time to but a new body off craigslist.