Nikon SLR Cameras

What is the cheapest Nikon D600 price right now?


I'm in the market to buy a new digital camera. I want to make sure I get something that will last me a long time. In the past 3 years I have gone through 2 different cameras and I want to stick with something that will last me a long time now.

So far, I have my eye on the Nikon D600 price, and for what you get I feel the reviews on the Nikon D600 are good so I would not mind buying the camera. I just want to make sure I can get the nikon d600 at a discounted price or something. I do not mind buying refurbished. Any ideas?


If you looking for the cheapest place to buy the Nikon D600 then make sure you use the discount at

I recently just bought the camera, and the D600 has satisfied me in every way. You will not be disappointed, trust me.

I have both cameras and shoot weddings and events as well as every other type of photography. After testing both cameras I have found the ISO performance to be roughly comparable. The autofocus on the D800 is definitely slightly faster, as well as more convenient. The D600 autofocus is by no means poor, but having the more limited periphery is a slight disadvantage, but is in no way a major problem. It just requires a slightly larger effort to make sure you're moving your camera, so the subject is more centered for accurate focusing and then quickly recomposing. When I immediately started shooting with the camera, honestly, it was one of the first things I noticed, but I have found you get used to it quickly. Do make note of my bias though because I'm using the D800 as a primary and the D600 as a secondary, so I don't expect perfection from the cheaper body. If you're really that worried about the smaller array, it may be worth getting the D800 over the D600. Overall though, I have been very satisfied with the D600 and would recommend it because of the outstanding price point and excellent quality.