Nikon SLR Cameras

What are some good latest cameras?


I'm interested in buying a good camera just for personal view shots and maybe to do photo shoots outside with my partner. I don't need it to be the best cam ever. I'm a total cabbage when it comes to cameras. Which are any good? My budget is 250-300euros(Can go maybe to 350 its worth it). I heard of canon and nikon. But I have no idea as I already said.


You should probably start your search on the websites of Nikon, Canon, Pentax and Sony. Get an idea of what features are available on each brand and how many different lenses you can choose

Next visit the DP Review site and look at the professional reviews of the entry level dSLR cameras that interest you.

Finally, visit DXO and see how the sensors of each of your choices compare

By doing this research on your own, you will discover which camera is best for you. Spending up to 350€ on a camera and lens, you don"t want to buy one that is the best for someone else.

If you use opinion, that is what will happen. You will be buying the camera someone else thinks is "BEST"