Nikon SLR Cameras

Tell me about cameras?


So I'm interested in photography. Not necessarily looking to buy a camera immediately, but maybe one of these days.

I have an SLR that my dad (a photography teacher) handed down to me that I've used before, but that was half a decade ago. What are cameras like these days?

I just want something that'll let me take better pictures than what I'll get with a point and shoot or cellphone camera (though I guess that's not hard). Maybe a mid-range DSLR?

What brands are recommended? I hear Nikon makes good stuff.
What kind of specs should I look for? I know there's more to picture quality than megapixels (which are just the size of the picture, essentially). Stuff like the sensor quality and processor speed.

Tell me about cameras.


The Nikon D3200 is a phenomenal camera for the money.

Jim A
Jim A

Being a Canon shooter that's what I recommend because I know their quality and attention to detail.
This company sell impeccable gear and I wouldn't buy any other brand.

Prices? I don't know if you've looked lately but SLR cameras (film) can be had for about $150. A quality DSLR (digital) camera can be $800 or more depending on the model. There's a Canon model that, like all Canon cameras, is excellent for $500 and these dslr cameras do video as well.