Nikon SLR Cameras

Photography - Burst shot - Low light?


Tomorrow I will be doing my first ever wedding photography, however I'm only doing the night party.

I have done many parties before, but because of it been a wedding its extra special and I just want everthing to go right.

The bride would like me to capture a special moment of her throwing her flowers, however I will have to capture this moment within low light using a burst shot I presume?

I have never done this kind of thing before in low light, does anyone have any suggestions? I use the nikon d7200.

Long Tooth
Long Tooth

A burst will be risky, I would use flash and shoot a lot of pictures. Bride, group waiting, as many of the actual toss as possible, then the lucky catcher. A burst would be for the arc of the flowers to combine in a single print. Good luck with whatever you decide. Nothing is impossible. As jeannie says: practice practice practice.


I'd use flash with f/8 output and stand perpendicular to the bride and the other ladies. If you try to do it with ambient light, you would likely need an f/1.4 lens and boost your ISO very, very high. The net result may be a photo will too little depth of field.


I hope you got a good light on there and not just the regular flash or elseā€¦ It might be tricky


One shot will do. The flash will freeze the action so don't worry. No need for burst. Set at maximum flash sync speed. To capture the right moment, you need to anticipate when that will be. Practice with someone throwing something (a small pillow?) in the dark to get the feel of it.