Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon to Canon adapters?


So I'm hoping to buy a samyang 85mm f/1.4 very soon, I have a Canon 60D and as far as I understand there isn't a samyang 85mm with a Canon mount which has focus conformation(is that the term?) but the Nikon mount does. So I seem to have two chooses either buy the Canon lens with purely manual or buy the Nikon lens and also buy an adapter to fit it on my Canon.

So I'm looking for advice, will the Nikon mount lens work just as well on the Canon and is there a particular type of adapter that I should buy?

All help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Added (1). To clear some things up, I know I can easily buy a canon mounted lens, the only reason I was considering buying a Nikon mount is because it has a focus conformation feature which the Canon does not, I understand this is not auto focus, and because it is a manual lens this feature could be useful in certain situations.

Also AVBoater I realise Samyang aren't the benchmark of the lens world, but for £200 the samyang 85mm f/1.4 is a great lens.


It should be available in both mounts - any loss of function is due to the lack of electronic circuits in the lens.

I have a 400mm preset that gives aperture priority and manual on a Canon with stopped-down metering - it won't meter at all on a modern Nikon.

Forget adapters and buy the version that fits - you're stuck with MF either way, and the lack of focus confirmation is due to a mechanical contact your camera doesn't have.


If you put the Nikon lens on the Canon - with an adapter, it will be manual focus and manual exposure. And you will not likely get the lens to focus to infinity. So you will have a macro lens of sorts.

You will be taking a mediocre lens and making it more mediocre.

The Samyang lenses are not that high on the food chain anyway, so just buy a better lens if you can't find one in a Canon mount.


There are adapters, but likely the focus confirmation wouldn't work then anymore either. It's an electronic feature, and these features usually are lost when using an adapter between brands.

Also, if the Nikon version mounted on Canon with an adapter would offer focus confirmation, then why wouldn't Samyang build this right into the Canon version? It seems that Samyang didn't figure out how to make this work for Canon; the Nikon version of this feature likely works different and can't be used on Canon either way.

Also, by using an adapter you likely lose stops worth of light, rendering some of the very point of that lens moot.


If you mean a distance scale, once upon a time when they made lenses on which those were accurate, it was a great feature to have. I would not count on the Samyang's to be accurate.
Get a Canon 85mm f1.8. Whatever advantage you imagine you would get with an f1.4 will be lost when the quality at f1.4 is deficient, and the super shallow depth of field misses its target with your manual focusing. The days when manual focusing was super accurate ended when microprisms and split rings disappeared from focusing screens.