Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon 5100 Photography Tips?


I have bought Nikon 5100 with its default lens 18-55 mm lens. I want to take photo with this lens coz i don't have other lens. I want to take pic such a way in auto mode in lens (button) where i need to blurr background and focused subject. Please help me with the settings and other necessary tips to take pic of the above spec's. Thanks I knew it could be by using some higher lens 55-200 telephoto but i don't have it.

Added (1). Thanks for answer but here please don't misunderstnad with AUTO. Imeant to say. There's a small switch on the lens A or M. I don't want to adjust the lens manually. I wanted to put it in A mode (ie AUTO) and set from camera to apeture mode but can't blurr properly the background. Smebdy taught me to put in M mode and focus the subject and can blurr the background. It seems lots of prac. For me.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Study photography basics, especially aperture.

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope


that is when the subject is in focus and everything else is out of focus.

there are no magic settings… It depends on a lot of factors, and if you are going to use AUTO for everything, then you are at the mercy of the camera…

if all you wanted was auto, perhaps you shouldn't have wasted money on a DSLR…

things to take into consideration:
1) aperture
2) shutter speed
3) distance from subject

all these impact on the depth of field…