My dog and a camera?

I have a 4-6 year old German Shepherd and Chow Chow mix that I adopted from a shelter a few years ago. She's an amazing dog and I love her to death but she's absolutely TERRIFIED of my cameras! It doesn't matter if it's my little handheld digital Kodak or my big Nikon, she runs away! Any ideas on why this is or how to make her not be scared? I need to take her picture for a class project and I can't cause she's too scared!

Some dogs are scared of cameras because they look like a giant eye. Just hide it under a blanket or something (without covering the lens) and hold some of her favorite treats and make weird noises.

She's probably had cameras stuck in her face and then had the flash go off. Which dogs don't like.
you can give her treats every time you take her picture or have the camera out. Just make sure the flash is off. If you always give her a treat when the cameras out, she'll associate it with something positive and soon will love to get her picture taken!

I'm not good with the knowledge of dogs, but it sounds obvious to me that she's probably scared from previous owners and cameras… So you adopted her from a shelter, right? It's likely that whoever owned her or whoever interacted with her probably hurt her with the camera ( the flash, perhaps?).
or, she's probably just afraid of them.

I have the same problem. I usually hold one of her toys next to the camera. That's the only way I get her to take a picture.